1. Attendance
Minutes: Present: Carol Studdard, District 2; Frank Farrell, District 4 and Lisa Graham, District 5. Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present.
Carol Vallencourt, District 1 and Charles Van Zant, Jr., District 3, were not present due to business out of town.
2. Budget Discussion
Minutes: Mr. Farrell made several points relating to the economy and noted that we should consider looking at how other districts are addressing the same challenges that Clay County is facing. He recommended the formation of a committee to help identify variable ideas in order to avoid overwhelming our staff. He also commented on the possible changes to the Board due to Mr. Van Zant's absence and the two seats that are up for election.
Mr. Wortham reminded the Board of several items that will be coming up in the future that could impact our budgeting process. Some of the items are: the Education Jobs Bill that is working its way through Congress, the 0.25 mill levy that will be on the ballot in November, as well as the Class Size Amendment and special Legislative sessions. Mr. Wortham also welcomed the recommendation of a small committee to work with staff on budget issues in the future.
The Board members present, agreed to delay any major actions or decisions on the 2011-2012 budget year until all forthcoming Legislative information has been clearly addressed and the elections have taken place in November.
Minutes: Frank Farrell asked the Chairman to relay current information on Mr. Van Zant's status regarding his military deployment.
Mrs. Graham informed the Board members that Mr. Van Zant would be leaving this weekend for training in Mississippi and then, in a few weeks, would deploy to Afghanistan for up to 9 months.
Mrs. Studdard expressed her concern at the prospect of having only 4 Board members present for the length of Mr. Van Zant's deployment.
Mr. Bickner, School Board Attorney, advised the Board that Mr. Van Zant is eligible for a Leave of Absence for military duty. The Governor may appoint a replacement in Mr. Van Zant's absence.